Πλακωτάρης (1902 - 1969) |
Κωνσταντινούπολη, 1902 - Αθήνα 1969.
Αρχικά μαθήτευσε
κοντά στο Ισπανό ζωγράφο Κ. Μala και μετά σπούδασε
ζωγραφική και χαρακτική στο Βερολίνο στη Reihmann Kunstschule.
Παρουσίασε το έργο του σε ατομικές και ομαδικές εκθέσεις.
εξαιρετική τεχνική κατάρτιση και άφησε μια πολύτιμη
εργασία σχετικά με τα υλικά της ζωγραφικής.
Έργα του βρίσκονται στην
ΕΠΜΑΣ, στις Π.Δ. Αθηναίων, Ρόδου, στις Συλλ. ΜΙΕΤ,
Λεβέντη, στη Τράπεζα της Ελλάδος κ.α.
Λεξικό Ελλήνων Καλλιτεχνών - Εκδοτικός Οίκος «ΜΕΛΙΣΣΑ» |
Costas Plakotaris
(1902 -
1969) |
Costas Plakotaris received
his early instruction in painting at Robert College in
Constantinople under K.I. Kotis. In 1922, he went to
Germany to study at the painting and printmaking
workshops of the Reimann Schule, in Berlin, under the
modernist painter and member of the Novembergruppe,
Moritz Melzer. In Berlin, Plakotaris also studied
political and economic sciences. He moved to Athens in
1925, after spending ten months in Paris. In his
biography he noted, “The Cubist movement, then
flourishing in Germany, influenced me… Yet, I gradually
realized that all these movements - Cubism,
Constructivism - were limiting me, and I went back to
the study of nature and realism.”
Indeed, especially in the works he made during the
mid-War period, echoes of the concerns of analytical
Cubism and Orfism are evident: The outlines of the
figures, while they still remain recognizable, dissolve;
there is increased emphasis on the austere geometry of
the composition, and colour, sometimes solid and
sometimes graded, intensifies the effect of
Kostas Plakotaris taught art at the Anargyreios School
on the island of Spetses (1930 - 1935); he taught arts
and crafts at Athens College (1937 - 1940, 1950 - 1959)
and technology of materials at ATI [Athens Institute of
Technology] (1959-1961). His extraordinary technical
qualifications are documented in his book Media and
technique in painting and interior design [Υλικά και
τεχνική στη ζωγραφική και διακοσμητική] (Athens 1969).
He also worked as art editor of the illustrated magazine
“Agricultural Future” [Αγροτικόν Μέλλον] (1937-1941).
During the same period (1937-1940), he was a member of
the artists’ group “Free artists” [Ελεύθεροι Καλλιτέχναι]
and from 1945 to 1947 served as secretary general of the
Arts Chamber of Greece [KEE (EETE)]. During the German
Occupation he joined EAM [the Greek National Liberation
Plakotaris had solo exhibitions of critical acclaim and
participated in group exhibitions, including his first
solo exhibition at “Romvos” in 1948, exhibitions at
“Zygos” (1959, 1961) and “Nees Morfes” (1966, 1968), the
posthumous tribute organised by the National Gallery in
1978, a participation in the Venice Biennale (1936), his
contributions to exhibitions by the group “Free artists”
(1937, 1939, 1940) and the Panhellenic art fairs in
1938, 1939, 1940, 1952, 1957, 1960, 1963, 1967, as well
as the Salon International de l’Art Libre in Paris
(where in 1967 he won the Silver Medal).
www.nationalgallery.gr) |